Augmented Reality makes the Better Future Experiences

Freddie Lin
5 min readOct 24, 2020


The Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the exponential technologies. It is the biggest trend right now and it brings the digital world into the real world that gives an extra dimension by superimposing information like text, images, and sound on the world as we see it. Modern smartphones are also going to be available AR ready.


As the technology developed during the following years, the term “Augmented Reality” was coined by a former Boeing researcher Thomas P. Caudell in 1990 (Lee, 2012).The Augmented Reality technology was employed by the U.S. Air Force in the first place with the development of Virtual Fixture by Louis Rosenberg in 1992 at the U.S. Air Force Armstrong Labs, which are “computer-generated percepts overlaid on top of the reflection of a remote workspace” to enhance human performance with better presence (Rosenberg, 1992).

Virtual fixtures were used by Rosenberg (1992) to enhance operator performance in the telerobotic control of Fitt’s Law pegboard task.

Nowadays, AR Technology has been widely used beyond military areas into every aspect of people’s daily life. from video games and social media to telecasting, from navigation and tourism to education. AR games, such as Pokémon Go and Ingress, encourage game players to interact with the surrounding environment. In education, students can learn easily with AR imagery so that their brain works more creativity. Students will have much much better opportunities in tomorrow’s job market if they finish their higher education with a solid background in AR. It makes even the most difficult to understand subjects engaging and turns them into valuable hands-on experiences. The use of Augmented Reality (AR) in marketing and advertising is fairly new, but already we can see its great potential to change the way we advertise and most of all change the way the customer experiences it.

AR helps Industry 4.0.

For the Industry 4.0, Smart Industry or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, AR will be new tool in Manufacturing, Support and Maintenance, Logistics, Work Protection and Safety. Moreover, It also offers a new approach for treatments and education in medicine. AR aids in surgery planning and patient treatment and helps explain complex medical situations to patients and their relatives.

How AR can raise Real Estate ?

It is increasingly difficult to get somebody’s full attention to create better engagement with potential clients, and to differentiate your business as much possible from the competition, Augmented Reality might make a crucial difference. AR would allow real estate professionals to offer a more personalized and unique experience to the client.

Art and Exhibitions

Augmented Reality creates the possibility to make all art immersive and interactive, even the art that is not. It can create an experience in physical space and thus bring a painting or a sculpture to life. Apart from AR being used by many artists and helping to improve the exhibitions and events, we could also ask ourselves how augmented reality can help art galleries reach more people and sell more of its art. Of course, you can buy art online, so people do not have to go to the physical gallery but that is not the same as seeing it in real life.

KAWS has collaborated with acute art for the launch of expanded holiday, a series of augmented reality (AR) sculptures that will be publicly exhibited in 12 major cities and locations of six continents from 12 to 26 march 2020. Using cutting-edge technology, this project represents a new exhibition model that transcends the physical world and reduces transportation and travel for a global art world. besides the public exhibition, the launch also includes an AR collectible edition and open edition for lease, which are available via acute art’s new platform for collecting and trading AR art.

AR in Automotive Engineering

Virtual engineering and prototyping has allowed the car industry and leading manufacturers to make huge leaps meaning cars can be made more quickly, more efficiently and at lower cost. With rapid changes in vehicle structures and their growing intricacy, mechanics and engineers often need assistance in their work. BMW has been using virtual training sessions for Academy staff with engine assembly sessions. Visualizations guide them through a step-by-step process offering them specific information about each component.

AR HUD in car

Augmented Reality HUD (head-up display) allows to project the augmented navigation hints atop the car’s windshield displaying road signs, warnings and real-time route navigation to help a driver stay more focused on the road. To understand how to implement AR into an embedded vehicle navigation system together with computer vision and sensor fusion technologies.

Advertising and Marketing

People like to feel that they are part of something, immerse in experiences firsthand and interact with the world around them. With AR you can offer them just that, engaging with your brand and your product in a way they have never done before. They say seeing is believing but imagine what you can achieve by making the customer part of the experience. In Social Media, Entertainments, Video Games, Animations, Broadcasting and Live Events, AR could have a great impact on those industries for different reasons.

With advances in AR technology, these are not that different from what might already be available for your smartphone.

Augmented Reality is going to change everything —Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO.



